No 1B at Zuze Airforce Base, Ndola
Socio-economic transformation for improved livelihoods
The past few years have tested the resolve of people around the world and in Zambia. The COVID-19 Pandemic adversely affected supply chains and economic activity, as well as the general wellbeing of millions of people, and more tragically, resulted in the death of millions of people around the world. In Zambia, this was compounded by high debt levels, the result of which was low growth, and narrowing of resources available for developmental programmes.
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background 1.3 Vision, Mission, Overall Goal, Priorities and Principles Vision: A Nation of Healthy and Productive People. The National Health Strategic Plan (NHSP) 2022-2026 was developed within the context of the national and health sector development planning frameworks. The Plan is guided by the Vision 2030, the Eighth National Development Plan (8NDP), other relevant national, regional and international policy and strategic development frameworks and aligned to the United Party for National Development (UPND) Manifesto. The Plan represents a comprehensive strategic framework and direction for the health sector for the next five years, focusing at achieving the national health goals and objectives, towards attainment of targets under Sustainable Development Goal No. 3 (SDG 3) “Good health and well-being for all” and quality Universal Health Coverage (UHC). The Plan has been structured along the World Health Organisation (WHO) health system building blocks. It was developed through a broadly consultative process, involving all the main stakeholder groups.
Strategic Objectives, Intended Results, Measures, Targets and Strategies
In the next five (5) years, Zambia Flying Doctor Service commits to implement eight (8)
strategic objectives with their
associated intended results, measures, targets and strategies (initiatives). The strategic
objectives demonstrate the
continuous improvements that the Service will need to make to achieve the desired results in
the areas of focus as
Sustainable Development Goals
The sustainable development goals (SDGs) are a new, universal set of goals, targets and indicators that UN member states will be expected to use to frame their agendas and political policies over the next 15 years. Click on the relevant topics below to learn how UNODC’s work in the region will help to meet the SDGs.