No 1B at Zuze Airforce Base, Ndola
ZFDS conducts routine and specialized medical outreaches to remote, rural and hard to reach areas around Zambia so as to promote the wellbeing of people in their communities that are difficult to access, particularly during the rainy season when some roads become impassable. In the first quarter of 2024, the medical department carried out activities to meet the set targets for 2024 action plan and strategic plan 2022 – 2026 which include:
During quarter one (1) activities, medical department serviced nine (9) provinces and twenty five (25) districts namely:Cumulative 46,586 patients benefited from different quality health services offered during outreaches in 160 Rural Health Centres (RHC) at no cost.
Conditions requiring surgical intervention are attended to by specialists, and a total of 322 patients benefited, distributed as follows: